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  • Theo

1 Whole Ass Year

Shit i dunno. we at it. we tired, but we at it. I won't lie i am unbelievably exhausted. i feel like ive been thrown every which way by car problems, improving my relationship, this business and my full time job. With all of this it's hard to find time to play league tbh.

Claire is officially released, would be cool to do a collab with freshtango's Flor one day. Need to go bother him and figure it out. after doing a whole bunch of bikini lingerie skimpy stuff im kinda out of ideas since i went so basic. i think i might take a month off to just fuckin chill cause like ooph man. i feel like i dont really relax anymore since im always thinking about this. i need to learn to really stop thinking especially since i find it fun i dont wanna burn out too much.

i am super happy that in 1 year i have been able to grow and learn so much though. like it is crazy just how much has happened. I am still very far in debt, its how it be but i'm climbing out. the car payments are what fuck me up the most. but its insane to believe i spent nearly 20k into this business. honestly probably more. but like fuckkkk that oculd have been in my savings :'(

this 4th of july im straight up all alone. all my friends are out of town i think im just gonna play games and shit. sometimes this strictly peach stuff feels like a game that has a bit of money involved in it. since i mean u know sexy drawings and cars arent very professional imo but boy do i lvoe doing this for yall.

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